Growing carrots without seeds can be a bit challenging, as carrots are typically grown from seeds. However, you can try regardning carrots from carrot tops, which is a fun experiment.
Using Nursery-Grown Seedling
Buy inch-high carrot seedlings from a nursery with established roots. Plant them gently in well-spaced rows, ensuring they’re at the right temperature for growth. Carrots thrive in cooler temperatures, making spring ideal for planting. This method allows an early start to the growing season, especially when it’s too chilly to plant outside.
Use Carrot Scraps
Start growing carrots without seeds by using ripe carrots. Remove the top layer, placing them in water containers in the shade. After 3 to 5 days, the water-dipped carrot tops will develop their first leaves. Replant them in the ground without covering the baby leaves. Carrot tops take about a month to develop, and the carrots will be ready in two to three months.
You can grow carrots from or without seeds and still get a good harvest. But, regardless of how you do it, you need to take care of the carrots while they’re growing to get the best results.